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姓 名:赵志庆

职 称:教授,博士生导师

研究方向:文化遗产保护规划与实践 城市规划历史与理论 城乡治理与公共政策

执业资格:中华人民共和国注册城市规划师 文物保护工程责任设计师


哈尔滨工业大学城市规划设计研究院 院长

哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 院长助理

哈尔滨工业大学城市规划设计研究院博士后科研工作站 负责人

Name: Zhiqing Zhao

Title: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Research Direction: cultural heritage conservation planning and practice; urban planning history and theory; urban and rural governance and policy research.

 Main Position:

Assistant Dean, School of Architecture of Harbin Institute of Technology;

Dean ,Urban Planning and Design Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology;

Head , Postdoctoral Research Station of Urban Planning and Design Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology;

Director, Sino-Russian Innovation Research Center on Cultural Heritage Conservation of Chinese Eastern Railway


中国城市规划学会城乡治理与政策研究学术委员会 副主任委员

中国城市规划学会城市规划历史与理论学术委员 会委员

全国注册城乡规划师职业资格考试命题及评分专家组 专家

中国文物保护技术协会近现代建筑保护专业委员会 常务理事 副秘书长

中国城市规划协会 常务理事

中国城市规划协会高校规划院委员会 副主任委员

Academic Appointments

Deputy Director, Academic Committee of Urban and Rural Governance and Policy Research, Urban Planning Society of China

Member, Academic Committee of Urban Planning History and Theory, Urban Planning Society of China

Expert, National Registered Urban and Rural Planner Professional Qualification Proposition and Scoring Expert Group

Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General, Modern Building Protection Committee of the China Cultural Relics Protection Technology Association

Executive Director, China Association of City Planning

Deputy Director, Committee of the College of Planning of China Association of City Planning



Academic Papers

During the recent years, he has published more than 30 academic papers (including 2 SCI papers and 5 first-level journal papers).






Honor Award

UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Cultural Heritage Protection Honorable Award (ranking 1st ), 2018;

FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards, World Gold Winner of Heritage category (ranked 1st ), 2018;

National Cultural Relics Bureau, National Top Ten Cultural Relics Protection Project (ranked 1st ), 2014;

China Association of City Planning, the First Prize of National Excellent Urban and Rural Planning and Design (ranked 1st ), 2012;

China Association of City Planning, the First Prize of National Excellent Urban and Rural Planning and Design (ranked 1st ) *1, the Third Prize of National Excellent Urban and Rural Planning and Design Awards*5 (ranked 1st ), 2010-2018.



Office Phone: 0451-86281508

E-mail: zzq@hit.edu.cn
